Our missions are (1) to bring a good fortune in human life through the
elucidation and utilization of “bio-potential” by understanding sequential
biological events (BioProcess) in the reaction field (Systems), and (2)
to develop human resources of biochemical engineers. Our targets are the
analysis, simulation, forecasting and control of various bioprocesses for
human cells, and establishing methodologies for the utilization and application
of the principles of such processes. We are also concerned with medical
contribution, such as regenerative medicine and drug screening through
the processing of somatic and iPS cells.
Our main topic, which are
targeted for the biological elements (such as enzyme) governing the
reactions as well as the regions (such as cells and tissues) providing
the reaction field, is “The bioprocess design in cell and tissue
engineering”. BioProcess Systems Engineering (BPSE) is conceived as an
interdisciplinary technology supported by the above academic fields.
BPSE can contribute to many bioproduction systems through mixed
cultures, such as fermented foods as well as cultured tissues.
The projects of "Development of Cell Production and Processing Systems for Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine" supported from Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, AMED.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2tteV7oxo8